The Marabou Dragon
tied by Elphus Ndlovu
Hook : Grip 12804 ( Wet fly / Nymph ) size 6 - 12
Thread : 6/0 Olive
Body : Siman JS Soft Dub - Olive
Tail : Olive Marabo
Wing case : Olive Phesant tail
Legs : Wing case extended
Eyes : 40lb Nylon ( melted )
1. Melt the nylon to form the dumbbell shape eyes. Secure the eyes with the figure of eight method . Wind the thread towards the bend , stop between the hook point and barb.
2.Tie in a small bunch of buck tail ( this keep the Marabou from wrapping around the hook).
3.Directly on top of the buck tail , tie in the marabou . This should be roughly one and a halftime the length of the hook shank.
4.Tie the pheasant center tail but end first , flush against the marabou. (butt end - bottom , tip end top) , also on top of the hook shank. Note the position of the dubbing, start flush with the marabou.
5.Dub the body ( rugby ball shape ) right up to the eyes. Pull the win case over . tie down , now split the feather to form the legs either side the dragon.
6. Finish the head with dubbing ( figure of eight method again) , tie off and put some head cement.
This fly can be fished alongside weed beds , on its own or in tandem with the beady blood worm. One thing about the retrieve on this guy, the slower you go the better it gets!Good fishing.
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