Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Next ?


Two weeks , this is the time spend back in our lovely country SA. The big question now , what's NEXT ?

It is not uncommon for Tarpon aficionados to ask this question over and over, once you have been gazed upon by the SILVER KING life will never be the same.

It is also not uncommon to wake during the wee hours , screaming , kicking and soaking wet ... half way into the fight. Your arms ,legs and fingers weak , shaking and cramping , .. for f... sakes you have been pulling on a fly rod connected to a SILVER train...........

I can see the look in Murray's eyes , there definitely is a glint of SILVER present.... and he is not the only one.

Well , dit is nou genoeg , just had to put something down on "paper" , will be honest , dink nie dit het regtig gewerk nie ....

We will definitely be back next SEPTEMBER !

1 comment:

Gary said...

I looked in into their eyes.... and there is a bit a vacantness there... as if they were somewhere else....
The last time I saw that look was in the eyes of boys just back from some "border" time....