Monday, July 26, 2010

Yellow fish from Israel !

Yellows in the Jordan River.

We have two types of yellowfish here smallscale (Damascus barbel ) and largescale.

Both living mostly in Jordan river. ( Israel )
Largescales are very common here up to around 2-3kg, caught well on lures (not many flyfisherman here).

Smallscale is not taking lures at all, but taking flies quite well.
I had a luck on a weekend and caught a good size one. Next time I'll try and send you a largescale on a fly (untill my last visit to South Africa I was fishing for them on a lure).

Best regards,


1 comment:

Nigel Ridley said...

Those look great fish! I have a website/Forum and have recently started to get quite a few inquiries about fly fishing in Israel.
I took the liberty of posting a link to your blog entry on the Forum and used one pic as a means to wet folks' appetite - I hope you don't mind.
You can view the post that I made at:
or just visit and look for "Fly Fishing for Barbel" in the Forum.